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4 Steps to Executing a Capture Plan that Makes (not Breaks) Global Companies

Capture Teams are multi-functional, cross organizational teams, focused on achieving a single business development objective. Because they are singularly focused, they are often the mission critical component of a global company’s plan for growth.

Has your company ever executed a Capture Plan? Or considered it?

Here are 4 steps to executing a Capture Plan that makes (not breaks) global companies. The following serves to show what you will learn by attending this webinar.

1. MAKE SURE IT’S THE RIGHT TIME FOR THE RIGHT COMPANY: The importance of a critical strategic initiative and the ability of a company to get behind it are fundamental criteria for executing a Capture Plan. Is it the right time at your company? Here are some ways to know:

a. Winning some deals is imperative

b. Our company must cooperate and focus on key opportunities and markets

c. We have to engage competition in a highly advantageous manner

d. Certain customers expect a truly superior effort from us

2. CONDUCT SELF-ASSESSMENT: A Capture Plan has to push the operations of a company to new levels of cooperation and collaboration among cross-functional teams. Is your company ready to look at itself objectively in this light?

a. Leverage all our strengths

b. Overcome any weaknesses our customers perceive

c. Pursue untapped potential we have not employed to date

d. Create added value that can be sold to our customers

e. Maintain many sales/marketing options that could be employed as necessary

3. PREPARE FOR THE INEVITABLE COMPETITIVE BATTLE: Once executed, a Capture Plan is going to capture the attention of your competition that will come after your company. Is your company going to be prepared on the following fronts:

a. Judge how you will be evaluated in the bidding process

b. Anticipate how competitors will come to market

c. Assessing where you stand in the customer’s source selection criteria matrix

d. Prepare to react quickly to new competitive threats

4. MEASURE EARLY AND OFTEN: Capture Plans are guided by an actionable scorecard that is reviewed regularly during execution with key leading indicators. The measurements determine performance, but also reveal insights and learning for actions that guide the further execution of the plan. Does your organization have an actionable scorecard in place for its most important objectives?

a. Measurable ROI and NPV

b. Risk mitigation

c. Win – Win attitudes

d. Pricing expectations

e. Product and service solution

A Capture Plan is often the singular component that makes a company achieve its goals for the year. Make sure you have a good guide.

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